Craps Traduction Francais

Craps seems like a complicated game because there are so many terms and slang for different bets. Learning the lingo can help you understand the game.

Translations in context of 'craps' in English-French from Reverso Context: Four employees play in a casino craps. Craps translation in English - French Reverso dictionary, see also 'cramp',crash',crass',crappy', examples, definition, conjugation. Hans Hotter (19 January 19096 December 2003) was a German operatic bass-baritone. He was extremely tall and his appearance was striking. His voice and diction were equally recognisable.
Craps Traduction Francais Pour
- 2-Way: Player betting one roll wager for himself AND the dealers.
- 3-Way Craps: A bet made in units of 3 with one unit on 2, one unit on 3, and one unit on 12.
- Aces: Betting that the next roll will be the total sum of 2. Also called Snake Eyes.
- Any Craps: A bet that the next roll will be 2, 3, or 12.
- Any Seven: A bet that the next roll will be 7.
- Big Red: Another word for seven. Players will not use the world seven at the table.
- Black: Dealer slang for $100 gaming chips which in most casinos are black.
- Bones: Another name for dice.
- Boxcars: Slang for the 12. Also called midnight.
- Boxman: Table supervisor who sits between the dealers and opposite the stickman.
- Box Numbers: These are the place bet numbers; 4-5-6-8-9-10.
- Boys or The Boys: Slang for the Dealers.
- Cold Dice: Expression used to describe the table when no one is making their point.
- Color In: What you say when cashing out smaller valued chips for larger valued chips when leaving the craps table.
- Come bet: A bet made after the point is established. It is exactly like a pass line bet.
- Come out roll: The first roll of the dice to establish a point.
- Comp: Complimentary or freebies provided to players based on their action.
- Crap Numbers: The numbers 2,3 and 12.
- Craps Check: Betting on any craps during the come out roll to hedge your pass line bet.
- Don't Come bet: A don't pass bet made after the point is established.
- Don't Pass bet: A bet that the shooter will not make his point.
- Double odds: An odds bet that is twice the size of the original pass/come bet. Some casinos offer higher odds.
- Eye in the Sky: Surveillance department or the cameras in the ceiling to watch the players and dealers.
- Front Line: Another name for a pass line bet.
- Garden: Slang for the field bet.
- George: A player who is a good tipper.
- Green: Dealer slang for $25 gaming chips which in most casinos are green.
- Hard Way: A bet on 4, 6, 8, or 10 that wins only if the dice roll as pairs; 2-2, 3-3, 4-4, 5-5.
- Hi-Lo: A one roll bet on 2 & 12
- Hi-Lo-Yo: A one roll bet on 2,12 & 11.
- Hop bet: A bet that the next roll will result in one particular combination of the dice, such as; 3-5. 2-2, 3-3, 4-4 etc.
- Horn bet: A bet that the next roll will be 2, 3, 11, or 12, made in multiples of 4, with one unit on each of the numbers.
- Horn High bet: A bet made in multiples of 5 with one unit on 3 of the horn numbers, and two units on the 'high' number (number 12).
- Hot Dice or Hot Table: When players are winning or a player is rolling a lot of numbers.
- Inside Numbers: Place bets on the numbers 5-6 -8-9
- Lay bet: A bet that a 7 will be rolled before the number you are placing (4,5,6,8,9, or 10) comes up.
- Lay-Out: The printed area on the felt where wagers can be placed.
- Lay Odds: After a point has been established an additional odds bet can be made that will win if the original don't pass bet wins.
- Little Joe: Slang for a pair of twos or Hard 4.
- Marker: The plastic disk used to mark the point. One side is printed “on” and the other “off”.
- Mark the Point: The dealer puts the Puck on the layout to indicate the point number.
- Midnight: Slang for the 12. Also called box cars.
- Natural: A seven or 11 thrown on the come out roll for a winning bet.
- One Roll Bet: A bet in craps that is one or lost in a single roll.
- Odds Bet: An additional wager made in addition to the pass line bet.
- Off: What you say to indicate that they are not active on the next roll of the dice.
- Off and On: Refers to the way that Dealers pays off COME BETS when a new come bet is the same number as one already established.
- On: This means that your bets are working or in action.
- Outside Numbers: Place bets on the 4-10 –5-9.
- Parlay: Adding your winnings to an original bet and wagering it all.
- Pass Line Bet: A wager made on the come out roll in which you are betting that the shooter will make the point.
- Place bet: A bet that a particular number (4, 5, 6, 8, 9, or 10) will be rolled before a 7 is rolled.
- Point: The number established by the come out roll.
- Proposition Bet: A wager on one of the bets in the center of the layout.
- Right Better: A player with a bet on the pass line.
- Rack: The grooved rail where you keep your chips.
- Seven Out: Expression when a shooter rolls a seven before making their point thus losing the pass line bet.
- Shooter: The player rolling the dice.
- Snake Eyes: Slang for the number 2. Also called aces.
- Stickman: The dealer with the stick that pushed the dice to the shooter and calls the rolls.
- Toke: Another word for a tip.
- World Bet: A bet on the horn numbers along with any seven. (2-3-11-12)
- Wrong Bettor: A player betting against the shooter.
- Yo or Yo-leven: The word used for rolling an eleven so as to not confuse it with “seven.”