Casino Lawn Cemetery Index
- Boggabilla Cemetery. Boggabilla has two (2) cemeteries – the current cemetery is located on the Newell Highway across from the Shell Service Station. It comprises an “Old Section” and a “Lawn Section” as well as a Memorial which can be used for recording the details of unidentified graves.
- Casino Lawn Cemetery. 126 Reynolds Road Casino, New South Wales Opening hours.
Detroit Society for Genealogical Research, Inc. Listings are not the result of a full cemetery read.

Above are two photos of the cemetery. The top photo (our section 1)depicts the cemetery a few years after burials commenced on the west side of the road, and the bottom photo was taken in the Fall of 2004, about 50 feet further west than the first one.
It is a medium sized cemetery with about 3, 500 known burials there, not including those at the old cemetery which is just across the road, on the east side of Route 9W.
In the Fall of 2004, Ed Fink took the time and painstakingly photographed every marker now existing at both the 'new' cemetery and the 'old' one across the road as well. He returned there day after day until he completed the monumental task. I am grateful for all of his work and determination.
During the course of this photographing Ed met the caretaker, and was given permission to make copies of their books. He was able to copy all but one book. That final book may become available at a later date. If it does, the information will be added to the work already here.
By comparing the books to the photographed markers, we were able to determine some burials that do not have markers and some burials that do not appear in the books. It was as difficult reading some portions of the books as it was reading some of the markers, so there are undoubtedly some errors.
The books contain the lot numbers, but we weren't able to determine how the lot numbers were assigned. Absent a marker, the lot numbers are the only indication of where in the cemetery the burial took place. Ed assigned section numbers as he was working, and we have placed those section numbers on the entries that have a markers.
The sections numbers are in sequence beginning with section 1 at the highway and ending with section 12 at the west end of the cemetery. The sections are clearly defined by the access roads. The section numbers will give you the general location of the marker.
Casino Lawn Cemetery Index Markers
Burials of known veterans are highlighted. They appear individually within the files.
About Australia Cemetery Index, 1808-2007
This data collection contains tombstone transcriptions from several cemeteries in Australia. Information collected from burial registers or funeral records was sometimes also used. The entire collection covers deaths from 1808-2007. However, years covered for each area/cemetery will vary.
This database is a conglomeration of several different sources. Records were primarily compiled by local family history groups or societies. Sometimes these were provided to Ancestry already in an electronic format. In these cases, there are no images associated with the records. Others were provided in book or film format and left for Ancestry to digitize. In these cases, images of the book or compiled source are associated with the records.
Because this collection comes from such a variety of sources and compilers, the information given for a record will vary. However, the following is the type of information you may find:
- Name of deceased
- Age at time of death
- Birth date
- Death date
- Burial date
- Name of cemetery
- State in which cemetery is located
- Location of grave or tombstone within the cemetery
- Other source references

In some cases it may be necessary to contact the society or compiler of the record. For example, records compiled by AIGS may list whether there is any additional information available on the original transcription. If there is, this additional information may be obtained by personal research at the AIGS library (which is free for members) or by writing to the Institute and having someone look it up for you (a fee will be charged).
AIGS records may also contain a field called “source reference”. This reference field will help you to know how to locate the original transcription at the library. An “M-[number]” reference means that the transcription can be found on microfiche and the microfiche number is the number listed in the reference. A “Card” reference means that any additional information is available on a card index. Both the microfiche and card index can be accessed at the AIGS library.
In addition, individual cemeteries may have more information or related records.
Areas/cemeteries represented include the following:
- Victoria
- Source: East Gippsland Family History Group Inc.
- Source: Australian Institute of Genealogical Studies (AIGS)
- Areas or cemeteries: Bairnsdale, rural Victoria (not including Melbourne General, Springvale, Fawkner, and St. Kilda cemeteries)
- New South Wales
- Source: Botany Bay Family History Society
- Source: Casino & District Family History Group Inc.
- Source: Central Coast Family History Society
- Source: Cowra Family History Group
- Source: Dubbo and District Family History Society
- Source: Kinsela Funeral Directors
- Source: R H Creighton Funeral Directors
- Source: Wyong Family History Group, Inc.
- Areas or cemeteries: Baldey, Baldry Cemetery, Banana Cemetery, Baradine Cemetery, Baryulgil Cemetery, Belar Creek Cemetery, Binnaway, Bonalbo Cemetery, Boomey Creek, Boorowa, Boree, Brady’s Gully Pioneer Cemetery (Gosford), Brindley Park, Bundella, Canbelego Cemetery, Canowindra, Carcoar, Cargo General, Casino West Cemetery, Cassilis, Cobar Shire Cemetery, Cobbora, Collaroy Private, Coolah & Shire, Coonabarabran Shire, Coraki Cemetery, Cowra, Cudal General, Cumnock, Curban Cemetery, Curra Creek, Deep Creek, Denison Town, Drake Cemetery, Dubbo, Dunedoo, Elong Elong, Elwood Ballimore, Elwood Private, Euabalong Burials, Eugoura, Fairfield Drake Cemetery, Field of Mars, Frogmore, Gathong, Garra Cemetery, Gilgandra, Gilgunnia, Gladys Cemetery, Glenshae Private Mendooran, Grant's Private, Gungal, Hargraves Cemetery, Hermidale General, Hermitage Plain, Hobby’s Yards, Keewong, Krui River, Kyogle Cemetery, Lachlan Downs, Lahey's Creek, Lawn Cemetery Casino, Leadville, Legume Cemetery, Lionsville Cemetery, Lue Cemetery, Lunatic Gully Cemetery, Lyndhurst, Mallanganee Cemetery, Manildra, Maryland Cemetery, Melrose - Ballimore, Mendooran, Meranburn, Merriwa, Merrygoen Cemetery, Millera Flat Cemetery, Moothumbil, Mount Hope, Mount View, Morongla Creek, Mumbedah, Murga, Murrumbong, Nandi Private, Nangeribone, Naran Station, Neville, Nyamely, Nymagee Cemetery, Nyrang Creek, Oakey Creek, Obley, Old Bonalbo Cemetery, Orange, Paddington, Paddy’s Flat Cemetery, Palistine Palethan, Palmdale Lawn Cemetery and Memorial Park, Peak Hill, Point Clare Cemetery, Point Frederick Pioneer Park Cemetery, Poverty Point Cemetery, Pretty Gully Cemetery, Priory, Pyramul Cemetery, Reedy Creek, Reid’s Flat, Restdown, Rockdale Cemetery, Rockgedgiel Cemetery, Rootes Farm, Rugby, Rye Park, Sandilands Cemetery, Sandy Creek, Sandy Hills Cemetery, Shearlegs, Shire Cemetery, Shuttleton, South Mount Hope, Spicer's Creek, Sunnyside, Tabulam New Cemetery, Tabulam Old Cemetery, Tannabutta Cemetery, Terraban, Thule, Timbarra Tablelands Cemetery, Tomingley, Toogong, Tooloom Cemetery, Torraweenah Cemetery, Trowel Creek, Turee, Turee Creek, Uarbry & Ulan, Uniting Church, Urambie, Urbenville Cemetery, Wagga Tank, Wamberal Cemetery, Warren Shire, Weetalibah, Wicklow, Windeyer, Wirchilleba, Wirlong, Woodenbong Cemetery, Woodstock, Woronora, Yallock, Yeoval, Yulgilbar (Swanlea) & Heifer Station
- Cairns, Queensland
- Source: Cairns and District Family History Society
- Areas or cemeteries: Atherton Cemetery, Babinda, McLeod Street Pioneer Cemetery, Cairns Martyn Street Cemetery, Cardwell Murrigal & Tully Burial Register, Cooktown, Eacham Shire Millaamillaa & Yungaburra, Etheridge Shire Kidston Forsayth Mt Surprise & Einasleigh, Etheridge Shire Georgetown, Gordonvale Cemetery, Herberton Shire, Mt Garnet, Ravenshoe, Watsonville, Innisfail Cemetery, Kuranda Cemetery, Mareeba Shire, Port Douglas Cemetery, Dimbulah
- Queensland
- Source: Gold Coast Cemetery Indexes
- Source: Genealogical Society of Queensland Inc.
- Areas or cemeteries: Beenleigh, Bethania, Canungra, Coomera, Dutton Park Cemetery, Eagleby, Logan, Lutwyche Cemetery, Maclean, Mount Gravatt Cemetery, Mudgeeraba, Nerang, Nudgee Cemetery, Nundah Cemetery, Pimpama, Southport, Tallebudgera Catholic Church, Tallebudgera Uniting Church, Tamborine Mountain, Upper Coomera
Casino Lawn Cemetery Index Prices

- Source: Genealogical Society of Tasmania Inc. (Five branches: Burne, Denvonport, Hobart, Huon, and Lauceston),
- Areas or cemeteries: Avoca; Bangor Anglican Cemetery; Barrington Methodist Cemetery; Barton & Isas Combined Cemetery; Bayles Private Cemetery “Auburn”; Beaconsfield General Cemetery; Bishopsbourne Nativity Anglican Cemetery; Blackwood Creek Cemetery; Booby Alla Old Port Cemetery Farquhar; Bothwell Municipal Cemetery General; Bracknell; Branxholm General Cemetery; Bridport General Cemetery; Burnie General Lawn Cemetery; Butleigh Hill Methodist Cemetery; Campania General Cemetery; Campbell Town; Carrick St Andrews Anglican Cemetery & Church; Chudleigh; Circular Head General Lawn Cemetery; Claude Road Methodist Cemetery; Copping General Cemetery; Cornwall Roman Catholic Cemetery; Cressy; Cullenswood Anglican Cemetery; Darlington Park St James Anglican Cemetery Private; Deddington Chapel Cemetery; Deloraine; Denniston Private; Devonport Cemetery; Don Congregational Cemetery; Dover Municipal Cemetery (Gen); Dunalley General Cemetery; Esperence; Evandale; Falmouth; Fingal; Flinders Island; Forth Beach Cemetery; Forth Congregational Cemetery; Forth Methodist Cemetery; Frankford General Cemetery; Franklin Village St James Anglican Church and Cemetery; George Town; Gladstone General Cemetery; Glamorgan; Glengarry St. Canice Roman Catholic Cemetery; Glenorchy; Green Ponds; Greenbanks Methodist Cemetery; Hadspen; Hagley; Hamilton; Harford Cemetery; Hastings Cemetery; Hobart; Huon Lawn Cemetery; Irishtown General Cemetery; Judbury Uniting Cemetery; Karoola Roman Catholic Cemetery; Kentish; Kimberley Uniting Cemetery; Kindred Methodist Cemetery; King Island; Kingborough; Kirklands Presbyterian Cemetery; Lady Barron Cemetery; Latrobe Cemetery; Launceston; Lebrina St Andrews Anglican Cemetery; Lefroy General Cemetery; Lilydale General Cemetery; Linda Cemetery, Gormanston; Longford; Lorina Cemetery; Lyell; Marrawah Cemetery; Mathinna General Cemetery; Meander Methodist Cemetery; Melrose Private Cemetery; Mersey Vale Lawn Cemetery; Moorina General Cemetery; Nabowla General Cemetery; New Norfolk; Nile St. James Anglican Cemetery; North Motton Methodist Cemetery; Oatlands; Patersonia All Souls Anglican Cemetery; Penguin General Cemetery; Perth; Pipers River St Albans Anglican Cemetery; Pisa St Marks Anglican Cemetery; Port Cygnet Uniting Cemetery; Portland; Prospect Vale Congregational Cemetery; Pyengana General Cemetery; Queenstown; Railton; Redbourne Presbyterian Cemetery; Richmond; Ridgley General Cemetery; Ringarooma General Cemetery; Ross; Saltwater River Cemetery Point; Sassafras; Scottsdale; Seymour Cemetery; Sheffield General Cemetery; Smithton General Cemetery; Snug General Cemetery; Somerset General Cemetery; Sorell; South Riana Cemetery; Sprent Methodist Cemetery; Spring Bay; Springfield; St. Helens; St. Leonards; St. Marys General Cemetery; Stanley; Stronach Cemetery, Austin Road; Strahan General Cemetery; Suppy River Anglican Cemetery; Tahara Private Cemetery; Tasman; Tullah Cemetery, Zeehan; Tunnel Methodist Cemetery; Turners Marsh Uniting Cemetery; Ulverstone; Waratah; Weldborough General Cemetery; Wesley Vale;Westbury General (Anglican) Cemetery; Western Creek Cemetery; White Hills St Johns Anglican Cemetery; Whitemark Cemetery, Flinders Island; Whitmore Methodist – Uniting Cemetery; Williamsford-Rosebery Cemetery; Wilmot Cemetery; Windemere St Matthias Anglican Church and Cemetery; Winkleigh General Cemetery; Wivenhoe General Cemetery; Wynyard General Lawn Cemetery; Zeehan General Cemetery