61 Casino Reissue

61 Casino Reissue Website

- Have you played one?
I had one and didn’t get on with it. It felt plasticky and lower fret access was awful.
Anyway there’s one on eBay if I haven’t put you off!
https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F2835753487870<=' span='>0 - 0<=' span='>1
- edited August 2019@stevebrum ;
@orys ;
Do these have the slim taper D necks or the rounded C?0<=' span='>0 - edited August 2019
Don't agree, I have a both a '61 Reissue and an original '68 ES330, and whilst I agree that upper (lower??) fret access is awful, that's true for any pre-'67/68 Casino or ES330. I think the quality of workmanship on the Reissue is pretty danmed good considering the price. Go for it if that's your thang... but try and play it first, it may not be for you. For what it's worth, here's my beauts:Have you played one?
I had one and didn’t get on with it. It felt plasticky and lower fret access was awful.
Anyway there’s one on eBay if I haven’t put you off!
https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F2835753487870<=' span='>0
Exactly like i'd want it, but can't seem to find one. Obviously i prefer the red but money is a issue.
Don't agree, I have a both a '61 Reissue and an original '68 ES330, and whilst I agree that upper (lower??) fret access is awful, that's true for any pre-'67/68 Casino or ES330. I think the quality of workmanship on the Reissue is pretty danmed good considering the price. Go for it if that's your thang... but try and play it first, it may not be for you. For what it's worth, here's my beauts:Have you played one?
I had one and didn’t get on with it. It felt plasticky and lower fret access was awful.
Anyway there’s one on eBay if I haven’t put you off!
https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/0/0?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F2835753487870<=' span='>0- edited August 2019
Lovely pair and you’re right I meant upper fret access. It’s not the same on all casinos though as you’ve pointed out.
Don't agree, I have a both a '61 Reissue and an original '68 ES330, and whilst I agree that upper (lower??) fret access is awful, that's true for any pre-'67/68 Casino or ES330. I think the quality of workmanship on the Reissue is pretty danmed good considering the price. Go for it if that's your thang... but try and play it first, it may not be for you. For what it's worth, here's my beauts:Have you played one?
I had one and didn’t get on with it. It felt plasticky and lower fret access was awful.
Anyway there’s one on eBay if I haven’t put you off!
I ‘really’ wanted to like mine - it was royal tan. There’s a possibility that I didn’t give it long enough but from memory I just didn’t gel with it.
I don’t recall the fretwork being remarkable either and I think mine would have benefitted from a proper setup, although it was supposed to have had one from the shop.
It was marketed as a premium product but I just didn’t get that feeling.0<=' span='>0 - edited August 20190<=' span='>0
- 0<=' span='>0
- edited August 2019
For a reissue, probably £500+ depending upon condition, case, certificate etc. The one on eBay looks pretty nice actually, maybe offer him £600 and then go and try it before handing over the cash! An original '60's Gibson ES330 can go for anything above £3000 depending on age, colour, rarity, originality, condition, whether it's a long or shot neck, original case, case condition... blah, blah, blah... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. All I know is, I didn't want to gig my '68 ES330 so I found the reissue and it plays beautifully.How much should someone pay for one nowadays?
In fact, my mate in our band sold his sunburst '89 Gibson ES335 and bought a standard Epi Casino instead, after playing my reissue. They are immense value when compared to the cost of the originals, but I still say... try it first! It may not be for you.
But hey, if they're good enough for Gary Clark Jnr.....
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PpVgw_WGtVw0<=' span='>0 - 0<=' span='>0
- edited August 2019
Ah well.... how's the weatherI'm in Cyprus mate.2<=' span='>0 - 0<=' span='>0
Epiphone Casino 61 Reissue Review

61 Casino Reissue Deluxe
NGD: Epiphone 1961 Casino Reissue (Royal Tan) Discussion in '. Joined: Sep 3, 2017. Congrats shimmilou, Apr 12, 2019 #10. Imerkat likes this. My 61 Reissue Casino was perfect and i sure wouldn't classify it as lousy.lol.i have seen some of the recent stuff from Gibson that i would use that word for.and they sure aren't cheap and the quality control there sucks.The Chinese are very capable of building good guitars,just look at Eastman.